Absolute and Relative Truth
Concerning the truth of the Middle way that consists of the two Truths. It is Relative Truth and Absolute Truth. By the great Buddhist master Nagarjuna of Nalanda,
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images.
สามี-ภรรยา นักสร้างบารมี ผู้ที่ทุ่มเทสร้างบารมีอย่างเต็มที่ ทั้ง ทาน ศีล ภาวนา และบุญพิเศษต่างๆ กับคุณครูไม่ใหญ่ ...สร้างองค์พระ และบอกบุญสร้างองค์พระกว่าสามพันองค์ ...ในยามที่เศรษฐกิจของบ้านเมืองวิกฤต ในยุค IMF พวกเขายังทุ่มเทเงินก้อนสุดท้ายเพื่อสร้างบุญ นับเป็นคู่บุญ คู่บารมี ตัวอย่างที่ดีของโลก...
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. How to change this erroneous core value?
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. I would like to ask Luang Phor how to change this erroneous core value?
The Common Human Goal
Our world does not consist of only those who are warmongers; there are also those who have a strong determination to create a peaceful world.
Partiality Because of Love
When we work in the same places as our relatives, close friends, and significant others, we may give them things that they do not deserve. This is a form of corruption beginning from our mind. If most people in society behaved with partiality, it would cause corruption in that society.
World Peace can become a reality
Dhamma For People :- World Peace can become a reality.
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images
How can one change his dad’s idea of no life after death? He gently tried to explain the truth to him but he could not understand. How can he convert him to have faith in Buddhism?
Monks complete four-year retreat
Goal in This Life
People should have clear goals in their lives. When we have good goals to accomplish, we will not waste our time and life doing other useless things.
A Dead Boxer In The Boxing Ring
A young man had to support himself since he was 14 and became an amateur boxer. Unfortunately, he died in the ring at the age of 15. What kind of kammic retribution caused this?